Advanced Zoom automation for your Bitrix24

Invite leads to Zoom automatically. Sell faster. Sell more. Do not over pay for Zoom.

The only B24 app in the world that supports Zoom webinars

Sell Zoom webinars from Bitrix24 automatically

Zoom allows users to communicate via Meetings (much the same like Skype and many others) and organise Webinars. These services use two different API's. Bitconf is not only supports both of them, but provides a single seamless interface for it.

In fact, not the original Bitrix24 integration with Zoom, nor any other app supports Zoom's webinars. Bitconf is the only solution for it.

Based on Bitrix24 + Bitconf you can set up and sell any educational courses, or even build an online school with many teachers, trainers, or coaches. Brilliant CRM works perfectly with automation Bitconf provides.

The only B24 app in the world that can create Zoom meetings automatically

Create Zoom robots in CRM, automate your marketing and sales funnel

Bitconf is the only Bitrix24 app in the world that can create automation rules (aka robots) in CRM. So you can easily build an automatic marketing and sales funnel, that will create a Zoom meeting for every new lead and send the invitation link to your customer. The meeting will be created in a proper Zoom-account even if you have a corporate Zoom with many sub-accounts. In the Lead/Deal timeline you will see when customer joined and left the meeting, you will have a recording link added, and a copy of it will be stored to the cloud S3, Google Drive, Yandex Disk or Bitrix24 Drive.

More of that, you can send unique invitation links to track individuals for mass Zoom meetings.

No need to buy a zoom license for every sales manager

Save on Zoom user licenses – you won't need so many

Bitconf synchronisesall sub-accounts of your master Zoom-account in the single interface. You can match zoom-users with B24-users in the app. And due to this you can make it so a whole sales department will use only one or few paid Zoom licenses, without buying personal license for every single manager. Depending the quantity of meetings your expenditures for Zoom may decrease up to 90%.

Moreover, the app provides a very comfortable interface through that you can see a meeting agenda for all Zoom sub-users added. This is very handy in case when all leads are processed by a reception and when appointed to the appropriate manager.

No need to pay over for Zoom cloud storage

Cut your Zoom cloud storage expenditures up to 30 times

Bitconf can automatically download zoom meetings recordings from the Zoom cloud and copy them to Google Drive cloud or Yandex Disk cloud, or Bitrix24 Drive. This means you no longer need to worry about and keep an eye on a free disk space left in Zoom cloud, and what is more important to pay for extra space in it.

Bitconf will download the recording and upload it to Amazon, Google or Yandex. It will also add the link to download it to the Lead, Deal, Contact or Company in your Bitrix24 CRM. Nothing will be missing.

Should you want to compare the prices of cloud storage, it will turn out soon that Amazon's S3 (AWS) is about 30 times cheaper than Zoom.

Why Bitconf is better?

Standard Bitrix24 integration with Zoom


Works in on-premise version of B24



Supports Zoom webinars and Zoom meetings



Can schedule meetings from Bitrix24 Calendar



Allows you to create automation rules for Zoom in CRM



Automatically downloads all meeting participants' registrations from Zoom (in CSV and JSON formats)



Supports multiuser Zoom accounts with sub-accounts



Can schedule meetings for other colleagues, not only yourself



Can create unique (individual) invitation links



Cuts your expenditures for keeping recordings in Zoom cloud up to 30 times



Works even if you have your CRM turned off in your Bitrix24



Look how it works

Connect your Zoom to Bitrix24 with our app!

What it does

Connects your account to your Bitrix24

Set up once. Takes few seconds. Works over secure protocol.

Loads users and meetings/webinars from Zoom

You get full agenda of your Zoom conferences and webinars delivered straight to your Bitrix24.

Lets you create events and send invitation links right from Bitrix24

You choose a meeting or webinar, generate an invitation link, send it to your customer and/or colleague. The link is saved to a special field in the Lead, Deal, Contact or Company. You can build automation rules using this field. You can also send Zoom invitations straight from the Calendar – the link is saved to the Event description.

Adds Zoom meeting record to Bitrix24

If meeting was recorded to the Zoom cloud, the app will add a link to the record to the B24 CRM or Calendar and save you money by copying the record to a cheaper cloud storage. It is very handy to control your sales managers or follow up the conversation with a customer. The app will also download chat, meeting summary and audio transcription.

Downloads participants' registrations to Bitrix24

If a meeting required registration (with questions), Bitconf will download all the data collected from Zoom and save it to CRM as CSV file and in JSON format after the meeting is finished.

Creates Lead for every Zoom meeting registered participant

If a meeting required registration (with questions), Bitconf will automatically create a Lead for every participant, so you can process them in CRM.

Read more details

What you do

Send invitation link manually

Copy the link – send it to a customer, leave a comment. You no longer need to go to Zoom, look for a specific conference, make up notes, track spreadsheets, check and update customer list in Bitrix24. All customer communication saved in Bitrix24 CRM. You will see when customer joins Zoom session, and when leaves it. Events are logged in Bitrix24.

or Create an automation rule or configure a business process that invites Leads to Zoom or create Leads automatically

If you are on a Bitrix24 tariff that allows automations, you can configure them so they send common or individual Zoom invitations automatically via text (sms), email, or any other communication channel (WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, Viber etc) you have set up in your Bitrix24.  You will see when customer joins Zoom session, and when leaves it. Events are logged in Bitrix24. If the meeting required registration, every participant will become a Lead. And many other scenarios for automation are possible!